Ben Lionetti of friend of the show Lakeshore returns, but certainly not empty handed! With him is the brand new Lakeshore lead vocalist Steven McCorry!
Ben (ex-Emmure) and Steven (ex-Exotype) talk about the transition of Lakeshore, past bands, Warped Tour, and the future!
Let's not give everything away here though! You've got some catching up to do!
Follow the links below to support Ben, Steven, and Lakeshore, with everything they do:
Lakeshore Website
Lakeshore Facebook
Lakeshore Twitter
Lakeshore Instagram
Lakeshore YouTube
Steven McCorry Design
Many thanks to Ben for returning to Ian Hates Conversations and to Steven for joining for the first time! Don't forget to catch all the new stuff they have coming out like the new EP 'SecretWeapons' coming soon!
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All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!
Long days and pleasant nights.