It seems like forever since the last Ian Hates Movies, but never fear, this is going to be a special one. For the first time ever, a past Ian Hates Music guest crosses over to Ian Hates Movies! That's right, Grey Sorenson, the lead vocalist of Charlatan joins Ian to talk everything The Dark Tower and Ian Hates Movies and Music tangents of course!
WARNING! The Dark Tower book series is Ian's favorite and one of Grey's favorites as well. So for this special episode, Ian and Grey will not only do movie spoilers, they will also do BOOK spoilers. If you haven't read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King and want to, this is not the episode you should listen to. There will be a Part 2 of this episode where Ian and Kelly will only talk movie spoilers!
Ian knows you're going to love this episode, so get your favorite billy-bumbler, grab the jawbone of a demon, and enjoy! Thankee-sai!
Does Ian Hate The Dark Tower...
Follow the links below to support Grey and Charlatan:
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Charlatan - Revival Recordings
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Grey Sorenson - Facebook
Grey Sorenson - Instagram
Thanks so much once again to Grey Sorenson of Charlatan for coming on Ian Hates Movies this time! Great guy and great music! Look out for IT when it comes out in September too. Ian and Grey will do another great episode on that as well!
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All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!
Long days and pleasant nights.