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Ian Hates Music #218 - Another Anniversary Show - Part 1 - Grey Sorenson



Ian Hates Music #218 - Another Anniversary Show - Part 1 - Grey Sorenson

Ian Hates Music #218 - Another Anniversary Show - Part 1 - Grey Sorenson

Oh my goodness! It’s another Ian Hates Music Anniversary Show! You know how Ian likes surprises, so in this part, Ian welcomes Grey Sorenson back to Ian Hates Music! It’s two friends shooting the shit about 2018 and 2019 while one of them walks all over the planet (bu dum ch!).

If you don’t know Grey (then shame, shame, shame), he’s the lead vocalist of Charlatan, currently signed to Revival Recordings, and the vocalist on solo projects he discusses in more detail on the show.

Grey has joined Ian many times on Ian Hates Conversations, Music, and Movies, but if you think you’ve heard everything, prepare yourself. A lot happened to Grey in 2018, and you’re not going to want to miss what he has to say.

Make sure to support Grey with everything he does by following the links below:

Grey Sorenson:



PS - Stay till the end of the conversation to hear the track ‘Fast at Fuck’ by Sekcells. Also, a blog post will be made with all the music Grey listened to in 2018. Stay tuned!

Huge thanks to Grey for coming on the show again! It’s going to be a big 2019! Stay tuned!

Also, Ian has opened a Patreon to help with costs of the many Ian Hates shows. If you have the means, please donate to keep the shows and quality going! Link below:

Ian Hates Patreon

And, Ian wants to put way more content on YouTube for everyone, so please use the link to subscribe so Ian can get a custom URL and you get even more great content:

Ian Hates YouTube

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Music! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Music on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Links below:

Ian Hates







Google Play Music


And the link for Ty's Blog - Check it out!

Ty Rock City

All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

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