Viewing entries tagged
Thousand Below

Thousand Below - James DeBerg - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

Thousand Below - James DeBerg - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

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Welcome to a brand new episode of Ian’s Untitled Scene Show! In this episode, I’ve got the lead vocalist of Thousand Below on the show, James DeBerg!

In this conversation with James, we discuss the new acoustic/reimagined EP, ‘Let Go Of Your Love’, available right now through Rise Records, the changes in sound for Thousand Below, Dead Lakes (you’ll understand soon), and so much more! Not to mention a very open conversation about issues in the scene. No, not the band Issues, actual issues. Just go listen to the episode!

Get ready for an open and fun conversation with a lot of insight into the scene!

PS - The lead vocalist for the band Oceano is Adam Warren. My apologies for not remembering! Also, the strange WiFi connection in San Diego does cause some weird sounds from time to time I could not edit out.

Check out the exclusive interview below, including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and more:

Spotify 🤘 iTunes 🤘 Stitcher 🤘 Google Play Music

Make sure to support James and Thousand Below in all they do! And, don’t forget, their newest EP ‘Let Go Of Your Love’ is out right now! Go pick it up and check the links below:

Merch 🤘 Instagram 🤘 Facebook 🤘 Twitter 🤘 Music

Also, building another brand is tough. Please pardon any name and content change issues as everything gets worked out. If you liked what you heard and want to hear more and see more, please support by following and sharing on these sites:

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Ian Hates Music #133 - The Love You Let Too Close

Ian Hates Music #133 - The Love You Let Too Close

One-liners and awesome music should be the tagline of this episode of Ian Hates Music! 

Get ready for your best weekly dose of metalcore, post-hardcore, metal, hardcore, electronicore, emo, screamo, rock, alternative, pop-punk, punk, easycore, deathcore, and really, all the core you could ever want!

Another FUCKING GREAT, FUCKING FREE episode of Ian Hates Music you say?!?! That's right! Ian and Dave talk your scene news from:

Puddle of Mudd, Chino Moreno and Deftones, Neck Deep, As It Is, Bring Me The Horizon, and Decapitated...

To support Bring Me The Horizon click here

And New Songs from:

Veil of Maya, Like Moths to Flames, Knuckle Puck, Entheos, Don Broco, Atena, Hotel Books, Your Memorial, Winds of Plague, Anti-Flag, Crystal Lake, Threat Signal, Ghost Atlas, Spiritbox, and Cane Hill!

Add on album reviews from:

  • August Burns Red - Phantom Anthem - Fearless Records

  • My Ticket Home - unReal - Spinefarm Records

  • The Ongoing Concept - Places - Solid State Records

  • Thousand Below - The Love You Let Too Close - Rise Records

  • Citizen - As You Please - Run For Cover Records

  • VIS - No Consequence EP - Independent Release

  • Coldfront - Float Around - Equal Vision Records

  • Whitney Peyton - Firecracker (Pyro Edition) - Tragic Hero Records

  • Wolf & Bear - Everything Is Going Grey - Blue Swan Records

Plus, Breakdown From The Past, In Loving Memory, HATE mail, so many concert reviews, and...some stuff and/or things...  

Also, Ian has opened a Patreon to help with costs of the many Ian Hates shows. If you have the means, please donate to keep the shows and quality going! Link below:

Ian Hates Patreon

And, Ian wants to put way more content on YouTube for everyone, so please use the link to subscribe so Ian can get a custom URL and you get even more great content:

Ian Hates YouTube

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Music! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Music on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Links below:

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And the link for Ty's Blog - Check it out!

Ty Rock City

All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

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