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Dave's Worst Albums of the Decade - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

Dave's Worst Albums of the Decade - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

Worst Albums.jpg

It’s the end of the decade! Yes, it didn’t happen at the beginning of 2020, it happens at the end! To celebrate this oh so special of occasions, Dave put together his list of the worst scene albums of the decade! This is a really fun conversation, so go have some fun yourself and take a listen! Really, I think that’s all the hype you need.

Big shout out to Rick, who helps anytime I need a promo image! Thanks so much, man! Go follow him on Twitter!

Also, building another brand is tough. Please pardon any name and content change issues as everything gets worked out. If you liked what you heard and want to hear more and see more, please support by following and sharing on these sites:

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Ian Hates Music #42 (The Core)

Ian Hates Music #42 (The Core)

Ty, Jackson, and Ian are back for the weekly roundup of everything in "the scene" on Ian Hates Music...with "The Core"! Haha, the joke didn't go away! It's sticking around! The guys talk news, new songs, tours, and so much more! Including, but definitely not limited to, reviews of the new A Day To Remember album Bad Vibrations! 

Also, if you have the means, here's the link to help support Bring Me The Horizon and their cause to help Friends Of PICU ( Read all about it there and help if you can!

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Also, don't forget that Ty has a great music blog! Check it out here:

Long days and pleasant nights.

PS - The skeleton rattle and random sounds is the Skype connection. Can't do anything about it. Believe me, Ian tried.