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Interview with Fero Lux

Ian Hates Music Episode #21 (Fero Lux)

Ian Hates Music Episode #21 (Fero Lux)

What a show we have for you today! Not only does Ian Hates Music deliver news, reviews, and new music recommendation for one and all, but they also deliver great bands! This week Victor and Ben join Ian Hates Music from the band Fero Lux! This is a really, really fun interview. Not only is it humorous, but you might also learn something! They talk about how the band got started, favorite movies, how their music is formed, and so. much. more! Their new album 'No Rest' came out in March and you can hear and learn more about the band using these:

The song that started the show was 'No Insignia', followed by 'Everything Beautiful is Behind You' and 'Suicide Nets'.

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Many more special announcements coming soon! This is going to be a fun summer!

Long days and pleasant nights.