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Hyro The Hero - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

Hyro The Hero - Ian's Untitled Scene Show


Welcome to a brand new episode of Ian’s Untitled Scene Show! In this episode, I feature another one of my favorite new artists, the legendary, Hyro The Hero! The breath of fresh air this scene needs!

It’s always great catching up with a fellow Texan, but Hyro brings so much more to the scene than just that. He’s hit the scene hard again with an awesome mixtape (‘Kids Against The Monsters’) featuring some of the biggest names in the scene and some of the most unique music in the scene. Hryo talks in-depth about the mixtape and regales with stories you won’t believe!

Check out the exclusive conversation below, including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and more:

Spotify 🤘 iTunes 🤘 Stitcher 🤘 Google Play Music

Make sure to support Hyro in everything he does! And, don’t forget, his new mixtape ‘Kids Against The Monsters‘ is out now, so make sure you listen over and over! Check out all the ways to support him below:

Twitch 🤘 Instagram 🤘 Facebook 🤘 Twitter 🤘 Website 🤘 Merch

Also, building another brand is tough. Please pardon any name and content change issues as everything gets worked out. If you liked what you heard and want to hear more and see more, please support by following and sharing on these sites:

Facebook 🤘 Instagram 🤘 Twitter

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Spotify 🤘 iTunes 🤘 Stitcher 🤘 Google Play Music
