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A Scent Like Wolves - Al and Nick Boltz - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

A Scent Like Wolves - Al and Nick Boltz - Ian's Untitled Scene Show

Welcome to a brand new episode of Ian’s Untitled Scene Show! In this episode, I welcome back friend of the show Al Boltz and a new friend of the show Nick Boltz of A Scent Like Wolves!

Al and Nick, the dual vocalists of A Scent Like Wolves (ASLW), join me streaming from PA during a whirlwind promotion tour for their third full-length album ‘Mystic Auras’ (available now through We Are Triumphant)! We talk about ‘Mystic Auras’, Nick’s vocal additions, features, and so much more. Even anime is discussed! This is a very fun episode with some great guys, so you’re going to laugh a lot. Make sure you listen in and support A Scent Like Wolves!

Note: This is done over video streaming and there’s some audio scratching that could not be removed. It’s not overwhelming, just letting you know.

Check out the exclusive interview below, including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and more:

Spotify 🤘 iTunes 🤘 Stitcher 🤘 Google Play Music

Make sure to support Al, Nick, and A Scent Like Wolves, in all they do! And, don’t forget, the new album ‘Mystic Auras’ is out now! Go pick it up (along with some awesome merch) and check the links below:

Instagram 🤘Facebook 🤘Twitter 🤘Bandcamp 🤘Website

Also, building another brand is tough. Please pardon any name and content change issues as everything gets worked out. If you liked what you heard and want to hear more and see more, please support by following and sharing on these sites:

Facebook 🤘 Instagram 🤘 Twitter

Want to listen somewhere other than the website?

Subscribe on these sites:

Spotify 🤘 iTunes 🤘 Stitcher 🤘 Google Play Music


Ian Hates Music #189 - Sometimes It Ends

Ian Hates Music #189 - Sometimes It Ends

We all know the big news in the scene this week...New Ian Hates Conversations and Ian Hates Music! No? That's not what you thought? Well, it is! Also, Ian starts to lose his voice towards the end of the show. Sick time! But, so much to go over like the new track by that really polarizing don't worry...

Or just forget that for now and get ready for your best weekly dose of metalcore, post-hardcore, metal, hardcore, electronicore, emo, screamo, rock, alternative, pop-punk, punk, easycore, deathcore, and really, all the core you could ever want!

It's another FUCKING GREAT, FUCKING FREE (NSFW) episode of Ian Hates Music you say?!?! That's right! Ian and Dave talk your scene news from:

Ghost, iMatter Festival, Beartooth, Too Pure To Die, and friend of the show Feo Lux!

And New Songs from:

Thrice, Vein, Holy Gold, Belle, This Wild Life, Our Last Night, Crossfaith, Roseview, Madball, DevilDriver, The Agony Scene,  Boston Manor, and Trove!

Add on album reviews from:

  • Dance Gavin Dance - Artificial Selection - Rise Records

  • Cat Company - Cat Company -  EP - Independent Release

  • I, Of Helix - Conditions - Independent Release

  • Chuggaboom - N.T.W.I.C Deathcore - Independent Release

Plus, stuff and/or things, Ian's Insights, and maybe some more!

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Music! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Music on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Links below:

Ian Hates Patreon

Ian Hates YouTube

Ian Hates






Google Play Music


And the link for Ty's Blog - Check it out!

Ty Rock City

All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

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Ian Hates Music #156 - An Anniversary Show - Part 1

Ian Hates Music #156 - An Anniversary Show - Part 1

It's another Ian Hates Music Anniversary Show! And of course, it's so jammed packed full of entertainment, we had to split it into two parts! That's right. There's so much to go over and so many special guests, it's too much for one episode! 

Remember how Ian and Dave haven't really talked about the year that was 2017? That's because they save that for the Anniversary episodes! Best and worst albums of 2017, plus a whole lot more...who could possibly be joining the show...

But aside from that, get ready for your best weekly dose of metalcore, post-hardcore, metal, hardcore, electronicore, emo, screamo, rock, alternative, pop-punk, punk, easycore, deathcore, and really, all the core you could ever want!

It's another FUCKING GREAT, FUCKING FREE (NSFW) ANNIVERSARY episode of Ian Hates Music you say?!?! That's right! Ian and Dave talk your scene news from:

My Chemical Romance art, Senses Fail lose a member, Motorhead planning some tribute shows, Machine Head's word controversy, King 810 censored again, Some unfortunate deaths to discuss, and a new Underoath album...   

And New Songs from:

Household, Crossfaith, Of Mice & Men, TrueHeights, Senses Fail, Turnstile, Andrew W.K., Machine Head, Vexes, For the Fallen Dreams, Tear Out The Heart, Sleeping Giant, and AVOID!

Add on album reviews from:


That's right folks, the show ain't over because Part 2 is coming very soon!

Also, Ian has opened a Patreon to help with costs of the many Ian Hates shows. If you have the means, please donate to keep the shows and quality going! Link below:

Ian Hates Patreon

And, Ian wants to put way more content on YouTube for everyone, so please use the link to subscribe so Ian can get a custom URL and you get even more great content:

Ian Hates YouTube

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Music! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Music on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Links below:

Ian Hates






Google Play Music


And the link for Ty's Blog - Check it out!

Ty Rock City

All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

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