Ian Hates Music #39 (The Core)
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Welcome back for another Ian Hates Music with "The Core", Jackson, Ty, and Ian! Do you get it? Like, the core group, but then also because they cover music with "core" in the word like metalCORE and post-hardCORE...see...ok, that probably fell flat...
Ok, shake it off random person who writes these descriptions for Ian Hates Music! You'll get em next time! In this episode of Ian Hates Music, THE CORE talk all the news and new music out this week in "the scene". There are debates all over the place on BMTH, Of Mice & Men, Memphis May Fire, and even Coldplay! How did that happen you ask? You gotta listen to find out! Also, new albums:
Sylar - Help! on Hopeless
Fire From the Gods - Narrative on Rise
are reviewed and discussed! Plus, like always, much, much more!
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Long days and pleasant nights.