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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Ian Hates Movies #80

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Ian Hates Movies #80

It’s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World time!


See? They said they weren’t going away again.

Ian and Kelly are back with a brand new episode of Ian Hates Movies! Ian is a bit sick and there are some technical difficulties on Kelly’s end, but it’s ok, you’re still going to have a lot of fun as Ian and Kelly talk Scott Pilgrim vs. the World!

It’s time for a classic, cult movie that Ian has wanted to talk about since the first time he saw it. You might think to yourself, “but there’s a lot of visuals in Scott Pilgrim”, and you’re right. So, what did Ian and Kelly do? Well, they mixed in some Ian Hates Love! That’s what they did. If you don’t like sex and relationship talk, this episode is not for you! Hahaha.

Also, Ian loves Mary Elizabeth Winstead, so there’s also that.

But…does Ian Hate Scott Pilgrim vs. the World...

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All sound bites or clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.


Fifty Shades Darker - Ian Hates Movies #60

Fifty Shades Darker - Ian Hates Movies #60

Welcome everyone to your make-up Valentine's Day! That's right, it's time for Fifty Shades Darker time...

Ian is suffering from some unknown illness, could it be allergies...or the movie's a mystery! Not really...

This may actually be the shortest Ian Hates Movies of all time, so even if you have no desire to see Fifty Shades Darker or talk about it, never you worry! Neither do Ian or Kelly obviously! Listen in as villainous villains are set up for the "exciting" conclusion coming next year! Does Ana get everything she wants? Is Christian a SADIST?!?!?!? The answers are 'yes' and 'yes', but you should still listen anyways, haha.

Does Ian Hate Fifty Shades Darker...

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Movies on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Now on SoundCloud too! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Fifty Shades of Grey - Ian Hates Movies #59

Fifty Shades of Grey - Ian Hates Movies #59

This brings everything full circle with Fifty Shades of Grey. Grey, was one of the first written reviews that Ian Hates ever did. But, this episode certainly isn't a rehash of old material!

The original plan for the Ian Hates Movies Valentine's Day Special, was to talk Fifty Shades Darker. But, the massive snow storm in the northeast ruined those plans...much like many a Valentine's Day plan! Am I right? Am I right?

So, Kelly watched Fifty Shades of Grey AGAIN! Crazy right? And she brings her unique perspective to the topics covered in this terrible, but pretty humorous movie! You're going to enjoy all the personal stories and resulting comedy that comes from this NSFW episode of Ian Hates Movies!

Does Ian Hate Fifty Shades of Grey... 

Welcome to the comedy show!

P.S. - Ian apologizes for how his voice reacts to the cold and snow sometimes. Hopefully it'll be all better soon!

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Movies on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Now on SoundCloud too! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Blue Valentine - Ian Hates Movies #58

Blue Valentine - Ian Hates Movies #58

Wow, Ian and Kelly are really choosing some depressing movies recently...

Do you think this is how they feel about Valentine's Day? Probably!

To continue that trend, Ian and Kelly talk the 2010 romantic drama Blue Valentine. They of course talk about the movie as well as their own personal views of love and relationships. Oh boy! I'm sure it's super positive! Let's not give away too much here, just check out the show and let Ian and Kelly know what you think about love. It might be a depressing movie, but that doesn't mean Ian and Kelly can't get some comedy out of it! You gotta remember to laugh through the tears sometimes...

Does Ian Hate Blue Valentine...

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Movies on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Now on SoundCloud too! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Teeth - Ian Hates Movies #57

Teeth - Ian Hates Movies #57

Finally! A movie Ian is actually afraid of. If you've never heard of the movie 'Teeth', then maybe you don't understand, but if you listen, you soon will. But, turns out this is Kelly's favorite movie...In fact, she even says she'd want this as her superpower! That's fucked up! You just have to listen to understand how fucked up it really is. Continue your Ian Hates Movies experience with their continued Valentine's Day fucked up movies about sex and relationship romp with 'Teeth'!

Does Ian Hate Teeth...

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Movies on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Now on SoundCloud too! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

It Follows - Ian Hates Movies #56

It Follows - Ian Hates Movies #56

Watch out! What's that behind you?!?!?!? Oh no worries, it's just Ian Hates Movies! It's not a monster slowly following you to kill you in a horrendous way...or is it? Who did you have sex with? You better check! Scary stuff man...also this is going to be another NSFW episode, though, do I really have to say that at this point?

Anyway...Ian and Kelly are continuing their trend of great relationship movies! Hahaha. This week it's the awesome horror movie from 2014, It Follows! Listen in as Ian and Kelly talk about their theories on the film and a bunch of sexual explicit content! Haha, is that their new thing now? You'll have to listen to find out!

Does Ian Hate It Follows...

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Movies on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Now on SoundCloud too! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.

What's Your Number? - Ian Hates Movies #55

What's Your Number? - Ian Hates Movies #55


Although everyone who knows Ian Hates Movies, knows it's a comedy show, it's important to state that again from time to time, haha. Young children and adults without a sense of humor should not listen to Ian Hates Movies. There are plenty of other shows you can listen to. Thank you to those who get it!

On today's episode of Ian Hates Movies, it's a Kelly pick! Kelly has wanted to talk the 2011 romcom 'What's Your Number?' forever! Because this movie, starring Anna Faris and Chris Evans, deals with a lot of sexual topics, so do Ian and Kelly! It only makes sense. This will also give all you Haters out there a glimpse of what Ian Hates Love will include sometimes! So kick back, take off your pants...wait, no, don't do that. Just listen privately (NSFW) and enjoy this really fun episode!

Does Ian Hate What's Your Number?...

Don't forget to support Ian Hates Movies! Subscribe, rate, and share Ian Hates Music on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Links below:

All sound bites or film clips are exclusive property of their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with Ian Hates Podcast or its' sponsors. They are used here for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!

Long days and pleasant nights.