Ian Hates Movies Volume #31 (The Sandlot Trilogy)
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The summer movie series continues on Ian Hates Movies and not only that, it continues with our 90s nostalgia expert Tristan! For this volume, it's The Sandlot Trilogy! What a way to close things out! I know what you're thinking...there were three? Oh yes, but Ian and Tristan will be focusing on The Sandlot (the best) and only slightly mentioning all the rest. Don't just recapture your childhood with The Sandlot, hear about Ian and Tristan's while laughing along with the guys at Smalls, The Great Hambino, The Beast, and of course, Wendy Peffercorn (swoons)...No more giving away anything here. Take a walk through the past in a simpler time with Ian and Tristan as they explore the world of The Sandlot. Does Ian Hate The Sandlot Trilogy...
Tristan has a 90's nostalgia blog he'd like you to check out! It's located here and he knows what he's talking about:
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Long days and pleasant nights.