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Ian Hates Movies Volume #24 (Independence Day)

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Ian Hates Movies Volume #24 (Independence Day) Ian and Kelly

Ok, so Ian and Kelly dedicating an entire volume of Ian Hates Movies to the original Independence Day is as ridiculous as say, someone having and executing the idea to make a sequel 20 years later...oh wait...Independence Day: Resurgence is a thing that's coming out really soon...well I guess they might as well do the original and then the sequel right? I'm sure Ian is happy about that! Listen in as Ian and Kelly prepare for the Resurgence by dissecting (Just like Data did to that alien dude Will Smith knocked out) ID4! Does this 20 year old movie hold up? Was it even good to begin with? All these answers and tangents galore (including a tease of the new podcast Ian Loves Relationships) in this episode of Ian Hates Movies! Does Ian Hate Independence Day...

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