Ian Hates Movies Volume #22 (The 5th Wave)
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Welcome to Ian Hates Movies and The 5th Wave! 97% of population has been wiped out and the remaining children are being trained by aliens to kill off what's left of humans. Sound interesting but convoluted? Well that's only if you read the book (which Ian did), but if you watched the movie you can take the 'interesting' part away, haha. Unfortunately, this is a case of another translation issue from book to film. Ian and Kelly compare and contrast while also going off on tangents! Of course! Get ready for another YA (young adult) novel with a female lead and some almost love triangles. You're not bored of that predictable formula yet right? Don't forget to review/subscribe/share on iTunes/Stitcher/Google Play Music or any of your favorite podcast listening apps! Does Ian Hate The 5th Wave...