Where does Ian Hates come from and what's the deal with these shows?
After working in radio, Ian wanted a way to get his many views on topics out easily. That's where podcasting came in. He's always had respect for people able to paint such am engrossing picture while only using their words. He earned his spot here doing three hour shows back to back for years and still loving it all! Ian enjoys playing characters, finding humor in everything, and having lively debates on a wide range of topics!
Don't let the name scare you or fool you, Ian certainly isn't about HATE. Quite the opposite actually. Ian is opinionated though, that is definitely for sure! And that's where the name comes from. It started as a joke from many years back and it just stuck. It's a great gimmick though. The same way the word 'love' is a way of showing passion, the word 'HATE' has a similar reaction, just normally the opposite one. Ian doesn't always want everything to be straight forward, life certainly isn't.
Listening to the shows on music and movies (with more topics coming) will show you that the things Ian covers are actually things he loves and is passionate about! He dares you to listen and question that!
Ian Hates Music:
Ian obviously doesn't hate music, but it got your attention right?
That's the point.
Ian grew up surrounded by music. He started going to concerts at a young age and has been to over a thousand shows and has seen countless bands. He doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. He played guitar (albeit pretty mediocre though) and provided vocals for bands. His music taste ranges in the rock genres and generally in the post-hardcore, metalcore, metal, screamo, emo, and other other "core" sub-genres, haha. His tastes have never really changed and neither has his passion. That's why he invites so many bands on the show that he loves because he wants to share their music with everyone! Ian constantly listens to new music and shares it on the show while also paying tribute to bands no longer together in a segment he calls "Breakdown From The Past". The whole point of the show is to share passion and love of music to everyone who will listen! Comedy is also never far away.
Prepare for scene news, awesome band interviews, segments, and bits!
Ian Hates Movies:
Movies are way more self explanatory. Who doesn't like movies...ok, I should say, who doesn't like GOOD movies? Ian shares mic time (sort of...) with his lovely co-host Kelly. They both choose movies either new, or from the past, that they think they'll be able to find humor in. You never know when Ian is playing a character, does he really like the movie? Does he actually HATE it? You'll have to decide for yourself! Let's also not forget that Kelly is very opinionated too! That makes them a good team, especially when they don't agree! Imagine it as a couple of your friends explaining a movie they just saw over drinks at a bar.
Listen in to Ian Hates Movies and just enjoy the comedy and sometimes serious debates about random topics that come up. That's why you listen to shows right? Ian Hates Movies is great to hear multiple views that you might not be expecting. Try and find the comedy in everything! You can tell that even when Ian HATES something, he still finds amusement in it and hopefully you will too! You want to only listen to people who only agree with your point of view? That's no fun!
Long days and pleasant nights.